
How we live

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers . . . . All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need." (Acts 2: 42; 44-45)


Community is the name given to a group of Brothers living together. 

Community is very important to us and over the past few years we've put a lot of energy into making sure that the way we live our lives is meaningful, prayerful and fun! We eat together, we pray together and we relax together at the end of the day.

Community life is one of our greatest supports. Our communities are places where we experience encouragement and love. We have our religious commitment in common as we try our best to serve the Lord.

Community life is challenging too. It can sometimes be frustrating to live with one's confreres! But living with other people is a good way to avoid becoming selfish.

Community living has its origins in the earliest Christian communities - they lived together, sharing everything in common.

There are 22 communities of Presentation Brothers in 7 countries around the world. Our smallest community has 2 Brothers and the largest has 16.

 "Community is a place where we can experience the sacrament of healing like no other. If you fail, your mistakes can be redeemed. If you're wounded by life, your sisters and brothers can be there for you. These are extremely reassuring thoughts in an uncertain world." - Friar Douglas-Adam Greer, OP