West Africa Province
(Left to right Front row): Brother John Dorgbadzi, Brother Emmanuel Aminenta (Province Leader), Brother Valerius Sandow ( Deputy Provnce Leader)
(Left to right Back row): Brother Paul Atole, Brother Godfrey Kuubagr (Province Secretary).
The West Africa Province includes communities in Ghana and Nigeria.
Contact Details:
Province House, Sangnarigu, PO Box 2044, Tamale, NR, Ghana, West Africa.
Tel/Fax: +233-(0)71-26522
E-mail: waprovince@PresentationBrothers.org
E-mail: waprovince@PresentationBrothers.org
Province Bursar: Br John Dorgbadziis
Province Development Officer: Br Alban Besigrinee