
Our thirst for Justice

"Faithful to the inspiration of our Founder, we hunger and thirst for justice so that all peoples, especially youth, can achieve the fullness of human and spiritual growth and development." (Constitution 6).

Our interest in justice arises from our belief in the dignity of the human person. No person should go hungry or go without education.

We work in some very disadvantaged parts of the world helping to alleviate poverty. However, there are also systems in place which keep people poor and which fail to respect their human dignity. We are also involved in challenging these systems.

Much of the world's poverty is caused by systemic injustice. As part of our work for justice, we decided at the General Chapter of 2005 to engage in advocacy work with policy makers on behalf of those who are made poor.

In September 2007, Brother Denis Claivaz began working at the Edmund Rice International Office in Geneva. Edmund Rice International is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) commited to advocating on behalf of young people who are marginalised because of poverty.

If you would like to find out more about our Advocacy work, please contact:

Brother Denis Claivaz, E-mail: denisclaivaz@PresentationBrothers.org

Make justice your sacrifice and trust in the Lord. Psalm 4